

Once you’ve built the HTML for your book, you can host it online. In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to publish your book online with GitHub Pages.

创建 GitHub 仓库#

In order to connect your hosted book with your book’s source content, you should put your book’s source content in a public repository.

1.在 https://github.com/new 创建一个新的 repository, Make your repository public and do not initialize it with a README file.

2.Clone the (currently empty) online repository to a location on your local computer:

git clone https://github.com/<user>/<my-repository-name>


cp -r sample-book/* myonlinebook/

4.在 myonlinebook/ 里 Create your book’s content 和 Build your book.

5.同步 local and remote repositories:

cd myonlinebook
git add ./*
git commit -m "adding my first book!"
git push


We have just pushed the source files for our book into our GitHub repository. This makes it publicly accessible for you or others to see.

将书发布到 Github 需要借助工具 ghp-import,可以通过如下命令安装:

pip install ghp-import

然后在本地的 myonlinebook/ 文件夹下执行如下命令:

ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html

Typically after a few minutes your site should be viewable online at a url such as: https://<user>.github.io/<myonlinebook>/.